3' Giant Balloon Custom Imprinting
- Includes plate charge
- One color imprint only
- Call for pricing on other quantities
- Turnaround time is approximately 10-15 business days
Standard Colors: Dark blue, Green, Orange, Pale Blue, Pink, Red, White, Yellow
Fashion Colors: Onyx Black, Lime Green, Rose Pink, Spring Lilac Purple, Goldenrod Yellow, Tropical Teal Blue, Gray, Chocolate Brown, Coral Pink, Wild Berry Pink, Purple Violet, Spring Green, Navy Blue, Robin's Egg Blue
Latex Ink Colors: Black, White, Gray, Gold, Yellow, Lime Green, Teal, Royal Blue, Purple, Pink, Red, Burgundy, Orange, and Brown.
Overruns/Underruns: All latex balloon orders are subject to an overrun or underrun of 5%.
Trademark Usage: All copy or other material submitted will be accepted as being in full compliance with all applicable laws regarding trademark, service mark, copyright, right of privacy, patent, or similar protection.
Once you place your order, please email your artwork, font choice, balloon color, ink color(s), logo to sales@balloonworldorlando.com or respond to the order confirmation email.